I had previously developed a AAA quality game in 7 days(link), during its development I realised the
importance of optimization and straight away from thereafter I have been studying about optimizing
games especially in the Unity game engine.
I tried searching youtube about how to optimize games and tried many things on my game that doesn't
resulted in something very good but I had idea as what to do and what not while optimizing a game.
That project finally broke and my machine wasn't able to bake lights for it or even run it at 10 fps.
I started with the Boat Attack to initially study URP and it's optimization and found out that even it is
not optimised for mobile, it ran at 13-15fps on my android which has SD 730.
From then on I started optimizing it and realised that the optimization is really shady field even to
the study, there are very limited videos but lot of documentation to read and the numerous hours of
reading that only helped me.
Initially, I realised that Vulkan architecture was the problem and disabling it boosted the fps to 28-30.
I raised an issue on it's GitHub repo also: link
The profiler screenshot is given below:
I tried hundreds of things which I can't even remember, almost triggered every setting available inside
Unity from rendering URP settings to Build settings and finally I was able to achieve 50-52 fps on SD 730.
The final build optimised apk link is: here
Do watch how I made a game in 7 days video here(link).
I tried my hands on with the Unity's Shadergraph in Unity 2019.3 in Universal Render Pipeline.
I started off by creating a simple flag wave shader using Unity's learn live, then went on with exploring YouTube and creating more shaders and getting used to the shadergraph experience.
The major difficult thing was the URP, although it has shadergraph support but it lack features when compared to HDRP and that proglem was with almost every youtube video, although Brackeys were really good at this.
Most difficult shader was the ocean water one, that has to be created in URP but again had multiple problems like the depth node was most difficult one and now also I fear to use it, even I don't know but somehow after creating water for 2 days(that too following a tutorial) I had water, ha ha.
Visuals could have been better in HDRP but URP was the challenge and result is pretty good considering that this is capable of running on mobile.
*Everything was created inside Unity using ShaderGraph, only flag png was imported*
The scene has six shaders: Ocean water, Glow(on flag pole), Hologram, Disappearing, Flag wave & Cube neon tile.
Running on mobile was the best part and Ocean Water, the most difficult one, it took me 2 days to make water in URP, even now I can't understand many steps and nodes in ShaderGraph and why I used them.
The experience was good as ShaderGraph made it easier but still, I understood that Shaders is not my cup of tea, it's like stone pelting to my brain.
All thanks to Unity's Learn Live as it started with a flag wave shader and went on to this, also thanks to Brackeys, AE Tuts and PolyToots.
Complete Project Github Link: https://github.com/sanchitgng/ShaderGraphURP
Working with Unity's Shadergraph in URP 2019.3
April 06, 2020

SpaceVR was my 2019’s 2nd ambitious VR (first one) project
which initially started as Moon exploration virtual reality app
focussing on the lunar south pole to a space exploration VR
app with a full business plan focussed on providing affordable
VR education to masses for Indian schools.
which initially started as Moon exploration virtual reality app
focussing on the lunar south pole to a space exploration VR
app with a full business plan focussed on providing affordable
VR education to masses for Indian schools.
It all started with NASA Space Apps regionals at my
college KIIT, I had decided to make a Moon explorable
terrain in VR because I knew only VR in all of the
problem statements that were given, with some research
we(me and my team-mate Rahul) found out that
something like this was already done previously in
Space Apps Internationals but those represented Apollo
Mission sites and here’s the catch that I got, why not
make a moon explorable terrain that involved India’s
Chandrayaan mission, it was trendy at that time as it
was about to land on September 7, this hackathon was
on 16-17 August as far as I remember. So we just did it,
Rahul did the research part and I just quickly implemented
the Lunar South Pole of Moon creating landing site of
Vikram Lander with our lovely Pragyan rover created by
Praddyum(he was in another team though ;)), he is our
3D modeller. In 2 hours the prototype was complete and
in approx 2 hours more, the results were announced and
we had Won! Just like that, I wasn’t expecting as this was
my first Hackathon but luck was on our side though.
We qualified for Nationals of Space Apps to be held at
Delhi and later we came to know the date, it was 18-21
October 2019 and so we started again, the problem
statements were out and there was no Moon problem
statement, so we had to make again from scratch and
this time I did some real sweating work and Rahul,
some real research as we had to plan a journey to
Kuiper belt that should be scientifically accurate in 2045,
Yes! We had taken some assumptions -3 assumptions to
be specific. Rahul planned out the journey and I did the
implementation part, it was during the Durga Puja and so
I had the time and I seriously used it. During the 36 hour
hackathon, we had made the full journey that would
start from Earth and take you to International Space Station
which had some real no gravity effect and was exact replica
of the real one, from ISS you are headed towards Kuiper belt
objects namely Pluto, Makemake and Haumea, if you are
wondering what are those weird names, they are just names
of planets with some special behaviour, I mean absurd behaviour.
We could just tell one thing that the quality
we had made, the graphics was at par for the mobile platform
but still we LOST! as it lacked innovation and yes it lacked!
The hackathon was over but SpaceVR was still on and so this time
we took it for a B-Plan in KIIT-Fest in December and lost again but
as it is said that there is always gaining and so we now had a real
business plan for our SpaceVR that could be presented.
We expanded the project more and this time we designed complex
scientific phenomenons in VR, like gravitational waves, spacetime
wells, accretion disc, gravitational phenomenon, planetary movements.
We were making this because our app was moving forward as per our
business plan that was to make educational content in VR, generally,
such type of education is considered for elementary schools only,
therefore, we decided to build complex scientific phenomenons like
above so that our app focus would be on serious potential educational
content for senior schools that has not been created before.
We took our project to IIT Bhubaneswar this time, it was AR/VR
conclave organised by IIT and professors from all IIT’s IIIT’s and
IISC Banglore had come who were working in this field, it was a
hackathon and we were judged five times. This time we Won!
Although it was 3rd position but it was IIT, the tag that everyone wants!!!
Winning losing is always a part but what is most important is the
learning and the journey, and every time this project Won was
when I was focussing on my learning and least expecting it,
the process rather than the result, during our Nationals of
space apps I was too much focused on making something
that could make us Win this time too! but as you know I Lost!
But a lesson learned for the lifetime that I already read somewhere,
in Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta! -focus on karma rather than the fruit.
Don't forget to subscribe to my blogpost newsletter here
The project links are:
Business plan: ppt Link
Watch my video of making a game in 10 mins here
SpaceVR a journey beyond.
March 17, 2020

HealVR was one of my most ambitious research project
of 2019, where a VR system was developed to help
reduce pain among patients that involve therapies including
Dental Care(Tooth Implant, Tooth Fillings, Root Canal, etc),
Arthritis Therapy, Wounds Redressing, Minor Surgeries, etc.
Therapies duration of fewer than 5 hours involving mild to
intermediate pain were targeted for this project.
There was also a mode for hospitalised patients who can
have a blissful experience and get out of the ill-hospital vibe.
of 2019, where a VR system was developed to help
reduce pain among patients that involve therapies including
Dental Care(Tooth Implant, Tooth Fillings, Root Canal, etc),
Arthritis Therapy, Wounds Redressing, Minor Surgeries, etc.
Therapies duration of fewer than 5 hours involving mild to
intermediate pain were targeted for this project.
There was also a mode for hospitalised patients who can
have a blissful experience and get out of the ill-hospital vibe.
The patients have to wear a VR headset and then they
would be in a completely simulated environment controlled
by doctors or patients itself if possible.There were different
kinds of scenes ranging from a simple underwater scene, fully
explorable forest garden scene and a highly engaging shooting
scene to target severe pains.
There were a total of 6 scenes fully created by us for different
types of pains and patients.The whole system of Virtual Reality
Pain Reduction works on the attention-distraction mechanism,
think of it like when you were a child and had fear of the pain of
injections, the doctor might have told you to see towards your
mother or somewhere else or watch TV during that process and
it happens that you weren’t able to feel the pain because you
would be in a completely simulated environment controlled
by doctors or patients itself if possible.There were different
kinds of scenes ranging from a simple underwater scene, fully
explorable forest garden scene and a highly engaging shooting
scene to target severe pains.
There were a total of 6 scenes fully created by us for different
types of pains and patients.The whole system of Virtual Reality
Pain Reduction works on the attention-distraction mechanism,
think of it like when you were a child and had fear of the pain of
injections, the doctor might have told you to see towards your
mother or somewhere else or watch TV during that process and
it happens that you weren’t able to feel the pain because you
were distracted. The same simple phenomenon, when expanded
with the tech of Virtual Reality, was observed to do wonders in case
of different types of pain. A huge inspiration for the project was taken
by research done by Hunter Hoffman for the treatment of patients
of burn pains.
with the tech of Virtual Reality, was observed to do wonders in case
of different types of pain. A huge inspiration for the project was taken
by research done by Hunter Hoffman for the treatment of patients
of burn pains.
This project was displayed on 16th ICDCIT(International
Conference on Distributed Computing and Technology) and
was later published in PIC 2020 (ISBN: 978-93-5391-188-1)
and is still currently being worked on.
Special thanks to Praddyum as this would not have been possible without him.
Conference on Distributed Computing and Technology) and
was later published in PIC 2020 (ISBN: 978-93-5391-188-1)
and is still currently being worked on.
Special thanks to Praddyum as this would not have been possible without him.
Link to early version live demonstration
prototype is attached: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bTPeL_tMSc
prototype is attached: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bTPeL_tMSc
The originally published paper pdf link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p5oi1zIcpsfESPmgbOSUcwYsWBy0JaUi/view?usp=sharing
Link to project ppt: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pcTToypLmSZTt09BpkyDYQStqE5yjNMyO3IwIXbErAM/edit?usp=sharing
The complete project has been made open-source.
March 05, 2020
The Hackathon was conducted by VARCoE (Virtual and Augmented Reality Centre of Excellence) team at IIT Bhubaneswar in order to promote the upcoming and dominating field from 10th January to 12th January, 2020.
ARHub is a group of AR/VR enthusiasts at KIIT Deemed to be University under the guidance of Prof. Sambit Prasad Kar, Design Thinking Lab, School of Electronics Engineering. Two teams from ARHub went for the competition, one with the same name ARHub consisting of Kumar Utkarsh, Sushant Shukla, Yelchuri Venkata Sai Subha and Rahul Talukdar which presented the project AR-Workbench and the other team by the name Team Nullbytes consisting of Maitrish Ghosh, Sanchit Sharma, Praddyum Verma and Manas Chandan presented the project SpaceVR.
The event started at 3:00 PM with the Diya lighting ceremony by the Director of IIT Bhubaneswar Dr. R.V Raja Kumar, followed by a welcome speech by the organizer of the hackathon Dr. Soumya Prakash Dash. The next two days were followed by judging, evaluation and technical talks by the esteemed guests, Sri Omkar Rai(DG,STPI); Ms. Vaishali Neotia (Merxius Comp. CEO); Dr. Pradipta Biswas (IISc. Bangalore); Dr. Kaushal Kumar Bhagat (CET,IIT Kharagpur); Prof. Rajesh M. Hegde (IIT Kanpur) and Dr. Shiva Ji ( IIT Hyderabad).
Apart from felicitation with certificates and a memento of IIT BBSR, team ARHub bagged the 2rd position along with a cash prize of Rs. 25,000 and Team Nullbytes bagged the 4th position, a VR Headset and a cash prize of Rs. 10,000.
It was a really good experience at IIT BBS in addition that both of our projects won!!!
IIT BBS AR/VR Conclave
January 17, 2020
Here is my 2019 compilation video of ever game scene I developed. Hope you all like it, if you have questions or something to say about this video or of any of my projects, you can do so by comments!
2019 GameDev in 1 minute
January 04, 2020

Hi! I’m Sanchit Sharma, a young game developer, currently a student at KIIT. How would you feel if
you could change your reality and create a whole new one? A reality which is maybe based in space
with asteroids attacking a spaceship! Or maybe a reality-based in the ocean where you try to fight the
pirates.Well, creating a new reality is not possible in the real world but it is definitely possible in the
world of Game Development.And the popularity of Game Development is only increasing. This can be
because video games are becoming more and more popular and people now want to not only
participate in these worlds but also create them!!!
you could change your reality and create a whole new one? A reality which is maybe based in space
with asteroids attacking a spaceship! Or maybe a reality-based in the ocean where you try to fight the
pirates.Well, creating a new reality is not possible in the real world but it is definitely possible in the
world of Game Development.And the popularity of Game Development is only increasing. This can be
because video games are becoming more and more popular and people now want to not only
participate in these worlds but also create them!!!
Is Being a Good Game Player necessary for Game Development?
There are many people who assume that if they are good Game Players then they will
definitely be good in Game Development. Well, don’t make that mistake!!! If you are a good
Game Player then you have some advantage because you already know something about
game stories, players, levels, etc. But that’s it! Actually making games is boring many times
as you have to code, design and work around on many things at which you don’t initially
succeed but the end product is the reward.You will feel so much satisfying that you have
created something of your own after a hard brainstorming journey of making it. The only thing
that will keep you on track of making games even after all is the passion for games and
nothing else, believe me.
definitely be good in Game Development. Well, don’t make that mistake!!! If you are a good
Game Player then you have some advantage because you already know something about
game stories, players, levels, etc. But that’s it! Actually making games is boring many times
as you have to code, design and work around on many things at which you don’t initially
succeed but the end product is the reward.You will feel so much satisfying that you have
created something of your own after a hard brainstorming journey of making it. The only thing
that will keep you on track of making games even after all is the passion for games and
nothing else, believe me.
Where to start?
- Choose a game engine: As you are a beginner in Game Development, it is best to
start with a known Game Engine. There are many available such as Godot which is free
and open-source, Unreal- which is used at the industry level to create stunning games
and Unity game engine which is used by almost everyone from indie developers to
industry level players in the market, from AR/VR to real-world mobile apps, all made
with Unity. My personal preference is Unity itself as it provides all tools to get you started
as an indie game developer and you can also make real world AR/VR mobile apps and if
you are too good at Unity then you can use it to make almost any kind of app that you can
imagine! - Create a basic game: There are now several official Unity YouTube videos which can help
you get started with creating your very first basic game, don’t try to create anything very big
at first, in fact, create something very small, it sounds weird but you need to hold yourself
to give a good start and once you are a pro at Unity or Unreal you can open the fences and
imagine anything and try to create that one.
Project Boost
- Move on to 3D: When you have created your first basic game which should probably
be 2D or 2.5D for it to be called basic then move on to learning 3D concepts on game
engine. My second game was a basic 3D ship flying game which I learned through a
course on Udemy by Ben Tristem and Rick Davidson, believe me, they are the best
You need to revise some maths and physics for yourself here which makes to our
point 4.
point 4.
- Learn 3D Graphics and Associated Maths: It is not possible to make a video game
without graphics and so you need to learn about them now.
The maths commonly required for 3D Graphics is Linear Algebra which mainly deals
with linear equations, matrices, vectors, etc.
If you understand these concepts, you can easily manipulate the 3D world of your game
to achieve miraculous effects!!! - Publish a game: It might not seem how important this is but you need to publish your
game asap, anywhere publish it, it is not to be on PlayStore or Apple Store, publish it
because it gives you a push onto your learning and game-dev journey, don’t wait for your
big awesome game debut, that’s not how it works, publish anything small but you should
have a good feeling about your game. My first game published on PlayStore was
Mad-Ball Breakout and that’s the only 2D game I have ever tried to build because
seriously I don’t like 2D as I haven’t been a 2D game lover myself.
- Learn random concepts: Once you have the idea of the game engine after at least
six months or so then you can just learn random engine specific concepts like
Dynamic Scrolling, Optimization, Post Processing Stack, etc.
Here is an image of before and after applying Unity’s Post Processing Stack features,

Before Post-Processing,(below)
how much detailed and good the scene is now, details such as Lens Blurr, detailed fog, detailed and
darker shadows, HDR, etc.
how much detailed and good the scene is now, details such as Lens Blurr, detailed fog, detailed and
darker shadows, HDR, etc.
What are some Online Resources to Learn Game Development?
There are several resources available such as books, courses, and official videos, the major problem
with almost all of the books and most of the videos is that they are outdated, the process of making
and publishing a book takes as much time that the information in it gets outdated, if you are following
a video try to make sure that it has exactly the same version as yours otherwise you will have a hard
time figuring things out and will eventually leave it.
with almost all of the books and most of the videos is that they are outdated, the process of making
and publishing a book takes as much time that the information in it gets outdated, if you are following
a video try to make sure that it has exactly the same version as yours otherwise you will have a hard
time figuring things out and will eventually leave it.
Udemy Courses are really good but just see the ratings and reviews of students before actually
opting for the course, but by far I think Udemy is the best bet for now and then comes YouTube,
you can always go on and contact me.
opting for the course, but by far I think Udemy is the best bet for now and then comes YouTube,
you can always go on and contact me.
Sanchit Sharma
Getting started with Game Development
November 18, 2019